Bartering is trading goods and services instead of using money. I have worked with many families in Louisiana who may not have a lot of money, but are rich in other ways. Bartering has been a rewarding way for us both to have access to things we want, that might have been otherwise out of reach. Midwife Louisiana, LLC is open to bartering for up to half of the service balance owed.
I am interested in bartering for the following and am open to other offers:
- $100 credit for modeling for an artist to draw you as as a pregnant or breastfeeding family to be used for advertising purposes
- goat milk and products: cheese, butter, yogurt, soap
- bounty from your garden: fresh, frozen, canned
- packaged fresh meat: farm raised or game
- carpentry work, outdoor finishing trim
- mosaic supplies: costume jewelry, tiles, mismatched dishes, stained glass
- again, open to ideas, let’s discuss